Friday, 16 May 2014

Funny Quotes about Life with Pictures

Funny Quotes about Life

There are three pictures of funny quotes about life that I've uploaded and you can also read the text of these funny images below:

Blood Groups Interesting Research

A (+) Good Leadership
A (-) Hardworking
B (+) Can Give up *Sacrifice* for others
B (-) Non - flexible, & Sadistic
O (+) Born to Help
O (-) Narrow minded
AB (+) Very difficult to understand
AB (-) Shardp and Intelligent

What is your Blood group?

7 Lovely Logic about Life

1. Make peace with your past so its doesn't spoil your present.
2. What others think of your is none of your business.
3. Time heals almost everthing, give the time, some time.
4. No noe is the reason of your happiness except you yourself.
5. Don't compare your life with others, you have no idea what their journy is all about.
6. Stop thinking too much, its alright no to know all the answers.
7. Smile, you don't own all the probles in the world.

Lesson in Life

A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke. Everybody laughs like crazy. After a moment, he cracked the same joke again. This time, less people laughed. He cracked the same joke again and again. When there is no laughter in the crowd,

He smiled and said:

You can't laugh at the same joke again and again, but why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again?